So today, my class went to Sembawang beach to do some CIP, beach-cleaning. Of course, most people dreaded the prospect of having to go out and get dirty, but having a chance to escape the stuffiness and the nonchalant atmosphere of the classroom was good enough for me. For a gruelling 3hrs, my good friend and I pick up heaps and loads of thrash, ranging from plastic bottles to even a huge porcelian flower pot(red):
Luckily for us, Singapore's weather did not act up, and it was the ideal time to do an outdoor activity; the sky was slightly overcast and although it threatened to pour, things eventually went our way and our jobs were carried out successfully. There was some minor setbacks though, as some students simply couldn't resist their temptations: they started skipping stones. Well, it was quite an interesting skill, although the marvelous performance of stones hopping about the waves was halted by a angry teacher. Also, the thrash bag we used had a little bit of a problem: it couldn't really withstand the flower pots, the coconuts, the bottles, etc.....
Despite those challenges, we still had a great time and managed to snatch a couple of drinks! This was the scene of HC Sec 1s happy to be done cleaning the beach:
Well, goodbye!