Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Recently, for our principal dialogue session, we had discussed the regulation of facebook, but particularly the passive game Mousehunt. For the paltry minority who don't know, its basically a passive game where you get to "sound the hunters horn every 15 minutes", before one of the following consequences appear in your "hunter's journal" (an account of your every action, such as mice caught) : You've caught a mouse./Your cheese has gone stale./You were pillaged by the mouse.
Although I myself do not understand the allure of getting oneselves hands on a rodent, I am sad to say I have the title of Grandmaster. It's pretty funny to find yourself an exceptionally good player at something you don't quite understand yourself. Is it the user-friendly interface? The self-achievement one gets from that four-limb animal that we call in reality a pest? Or simply the peer pressure? Of course, I'm no addict. To me, it's just some trend that will blow over from time to come (I hope). Probably,in the near future, comments like "Mousehunt is damn lame leh" or Mousehunt nia!"(for my class only) would be incessantly rained down by classmates on the unsuspecting hunter who audibly, and proudly announced his newly caught mouse. Fingers crossed of course, because its fan base is growing to epic proportions.
Real gold for fake gold. In the main page of the game, there is -quite largely displayed- a oblong blue button with the words "DONATE" written in that medieval font, whatever its called. I'm pretty sure many a times the fatuous Mousehunter has, out of inquisition, clicked the button and found out about the wonders and rewards that await the respective Mousehunter if he or she so generously decides to offer that $10-$50 to the developers. Not worth it. What's the point of having a pocket full of "Superbrie" (supposedly the god of all cheese) when such money can go to better uses, such as charity? Even stuffing yourself silly to a hearty $10 meal beats 1000 pieces of worthless, prism-shaped packs of data.
Anyway, for those mugging right now, all the best for EOYs. And please, don't sound the hunters horn(Yes, it might be tempting)!