Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blog Prompt: Article on Goal-Setting

Article On Goal-setting
By Dr William Tan

‘Many a one has succeeded only because he has failed after repeated efforts, if he had never met defeat, he would never have known any great victory’
- Orison Sweet Marden
I am writing an article today about 'goal-setting'. A goal is a vision of where you want to go. These goal setting templates can help you to take small systematic steps to make your vision blossom into reality. Imagine the following scenario:
You are just starting your vacation, your bags are all packed and you are ready to go! You are going on a road trip across the country. As you pull out of your driveway and onto highway, you have a clear idea of the direction you want to go and how you are going there. You know where you will be staying tonight and the next night, and you have planned to visit some tourist sights along the way. And obviously, you are sure that you can catching all these breath-taking monuments before time runs out.
Why? Because you are being realistic and measurable. Similarly, your goals have to be realistic, but at the same time a target that will definitely will be a challenge to achieve. As I assume readers of these magazine are in the prime of their youth, I advise all of you to make full use of the time that you have now to set worthwhile goals. However, be aware of the obstacles ahead too.
Goals keep us focused and motivated in life. They help us see light at the end of the tunnel and guide us through difficult period when many others would quit. So, work towards your goals; work towards success.