Sunday, February 8, 2009

Total Defence Day is 'Round the Corner.

Today is the 8th of February, and Total Defence Day is just a week away. Yes, Total Defence Day falls on the 15th of February. I would like to dedicate this post to those who have been helping and protecting our country, be it through the means of the five main aspects of Total Defence. To freshen up my audience, here are the 5 aspects of total defence:

  1. Physical Defence
  2. Social Defence
  3. Military Defence
  4. Civil Defence
  5. Economic Defence

So, today I'l be covering my first three points, Physical, Social and Military Defence today.

To begin, I'l start with Psychological Defence. This aspect refers to the individual citizen's commitment to the nation and confidence in the future of our country. It is about having pride, passion and patriotism for our country. United in Psychological Defence, we develop the collective will to stand up for our rights; to protect what is ours; to seek to be left in peace; to progress and prosper in our own way as a nation. A strong Psychological Defence allows us to safeguard our independence and hence chart our own destiny.

So, let's set our mindset to one that is proud of Singapore at all times.

Next,Social Defence. This aspect is about Singaporeans of all races and religions living and working together in harmony. To build a strong Social Defence, there must be racial and religious tolerance and respect, as well as equal opportunities for all regardless of race, language or religion. Social Defence also refers to every citizen, especially those with the ability, education and training, having the social conscience to contribute to the larger community and country. This includes showing care and concern for the less fortunate and underprivileged, as well as active participation in volunteer work.

So, let's make an effort to extend a helping hand, thus tightening our bonds as a nation.

Finally, the Military Defence. The Military Defence is having the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) able to deter aggression. A first-class SAF - one that has the capability to act effectively and decisively should deterrence and diplomacy fail - is essential to building a strong Military Defence. While Military Defence is the responsibility of NS men, full-time National Servicemen and regulars in the SAF, it also involves our own military industries having the capacity to meet the SAF's weapons and ammunition requirements. With these heightened security measures, Singapore can be a safer place.

So, for all those Singaporean boys who are yet to go for NS just like me, let's put in effort when that day comes.

Thank You.