Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Impromptu; Unexpected Killer

So today in school, we had this speaking competition called 'Angles'. There were many eloquent participants who 'recited' their prepared speeches with great voice-projection and good points-of-view, with each and every one of them brimming with self-confidence, with some imagining what ridiculous pose they might strike when receiving the grand prize. Like all of us know, the basics of what makes a good speaker is of course one who makes eye-contact with his/her audience, doesn't show his/her nerves, so on and so forth. However, nearly everybody can train themselves to voice out their speech perfectly if they had adequate time to prepare it; but what if this was not the case? Indeed, in the 'impromptu speech' section of the competition, where participants have to make a speech with only a meagre 1 minute. That proved the down fall of this year's 'Angles' competition as many nervous-but-once-confident- faces stepped up to the stage. So, I've decided to do up a little research and compile some information on "How To Prepare For An Impromptu Speech".
But first, to infrm you, there are different types of unprepared speeches; sometimes it can be a kind of ‘prepared for’ version of an unprepared/impromptu speech, wherein the speaker learns before hand that they will be required to do one. This type is often done in school competitions(like Angles). They are prepared for because the speaker knows in advance that they are going to do it, but the topic will usually be a surprise.
But sometimes you are just put on the spot – your name is called out at a function and you are requested to say a few words. So..

The best way to prepare for an impromptu speech is to analyze the nature of the function you are attending and examine any possibilities of someone asking you to do something or say something. Always be prepared. If it is a close friend, relative’s or a work function, be prepared for any “Mr./Ms. X, would you please say a few words”.
1. Ask yourself: “If this situation does occur, how would I like to handle it?” That way you are exchanging worry for advanced planning, thinking and courage.
2. The best way to be ready for impromptu speeches or any public speech for that matter- is to invest in a good public speaking book or audio. They are a very good investment since most of us will be called out to speak unprepared at some stage in our lives.
3. Have a few opening lines, quotes or humor, up your sleeves, just in case. Better still, have a funny phrase about being put on the spot.

Thanks for your attention, continue speaking well.