Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Fictional Account of a Mentally Retarted Person

today was a bad daey fr mi bcos i saw my fren gt mayd fun of. three pepul wen into de mentul instituitin n started to say bad tings abt my fren. i fil sad fr him. whiy do dise pepul treat us so badlee. i noe we dum pepul al gader here so de doktors can help us. whiy do the doktors alow dise eveel pepul to distrb us. it is not fair bcos we al are born dis wae. we canot controel it. now i fil sad fr al my frens here. i remembr de doktor sayin mi n my frens hav an eye q of biloe 70. i wan de doktors to help us jus like charlie gordon. lyk dat we wun b mayd fun of. n dat wuld b gud. liyk dat we can show de pepul we are not dum. dat is wad i drim of smetmes in my slp. bt de doktor told mi my drim is not reyl. bt de operashun charlie wen troo mayd him smart. ok. tmrw i wil ask de doktor to giv mi the opershun. den my eye q of 59 wil go haiyer n dat wuld b gud
